Training & Consultancy

KOTUG Training & Consultancy provides combined professional tug training, world-leading towage expertise and process improvement advice to ensure the safety and efficiency of maritime processes. Our focus is on making our industry safer, more reliable and more profitable for all.

KOTUG has a proven track record of delivering training for leading companies in our industry. Our programs take place in-house, at location or online.

Our services not only benefit companies that own or operate tugs but also shipping companies, port authorities, marine contractors, terminal operators, insurance companies and engineering agencies.

We believe that improved safety, efficiency and profitability are achieved when everybody properly understands the big picture.

When we train tug masters in vessel operations, we leave them with firm appreciation of how their actions impact others around them. We also use our in-depth knowledge of tug operation to provide clients with the best possible advice on tug design, harbour or jetty layout and nautical processes. Throughout all we do, we aim to raise standards by educating everybody to work better together.

Whether we are helping to optimise port infrastructure, increasing Tug Masters’ skill levels or enabling masters of other vessel types to cooperate better with tugs, our all-round vision means everybody performs better.


The services of the KOTUG Training & Consultancy division include:


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