Offshore & Terminal Towage


KOTUG has an extensive track record in offshore towage support. We provide services to the offshore, renewables, dredging and oil and gas industry. Our expertise includes decommissioning, construction, rig moves and offshore terminals. KOTUG has vast experience in operating general support vessels as well as anchor handling tugs and supply vessels.  

KOTUG uses the advanced Rotortug®  technique. Watch the video for a short overview of the specific features of the Rotortug®, which explains why it is the preferred tugboat type for some of the most challenging operations in difficult offshore and environmental conditions across the globe. 

KOTUG not only selects tug boats that are best suited to the job, we also provide experienced tow masters, expert advice, project coordination, towing manuals and tailored training when required. We can even simulate and calculate the entire operation at our Maritime Excellence Center. 

KOTUG has an extensive portfolio of offshore projects, ranging from a recent decommissioning of a platform in the North Sea to platform installation in Africa and everything inbetween.

Terminal Towage

KOTUG provides terminal towage assistance at port facilities as well as floating facilities such as FSO, FPSO, FLNG, FSRU, and SPM Terminals. Our services include escorting, berthing and safety cover, including firefighting and oil pollution control. 

We have vast experience with securely berthing and mooring of LNG carriers, support during cargo loading, port security services, pilot transfer and standby services. 

We serve several clients in the Oil & Gas industry with specialised towage services such as FLNG and offshore assistance, for which we employ purpose-built ISVs (Infield Support Vessel) and Rotortugs®.  

We only work with well-trained and prepared crews. Therefore, we have developed in-house training programs which are based on a thorough understanding of tug and terminal behaviour, as well as years of field-practice. 


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