Client: Allseas
Location: Europe
Period: Ongoing
The Pioneering Spirit is the world’s largest vessel by gross tonnage. It was designed for the single-lift installation and removal of large oil and gas platforms and the installation of record-weight pipelines.
One of the wide range of executed projects is the removal of Shell’s 24,200-tonne Brent Delta topsides. Located in the Brent field, approximately 186 km (100 nautical miles) off the northeast coast of Shetland, the iconic platform sat on a three-legged gravity-based structure in 140 m of water.
We ensure that one of our Tow Masters is always present during the HAZIDs for these projects and actively provides towage related advice. Most of the times our Tow Master is also involved in the selection, type and the number of required tugs.

The KOTUG Tow master maneuvered the barge Iron Lady, between the operational legs of the Pioneering Spirit, after which the Brent Delta Topside was lowered on deck of the Iron Lady. Our Tow master maneuvered the Barge with topside free of the Pioneering Spirit and delivered the loaded Iron Lady to Able, UK’s Seaton Port yard, Teesside, for disposal. We were also involved in all the movements with the specially designed barge Bumblebee for commissioning and decommissioning the stinger, which is used for pipelaying operations.