International Women’s Day

At KOTUG, we embrace diversity. Today, on International Women’s Day, we honor not only all our female colleagues at KOTUG and her JV’s but all women over the world. No single one excluded.

We support International Women’s Day, and their mission to champion women of all backgrounds who dare to innovate, lead, and uplift others towards a more equal and inclusive workplace. Gender equality is essential for economies and communities to thrive.

We respond to the call of International Women’s Day to all be #EachforEqual. Collectively, we can make change happen, and help to create a gender equal world.

COO Westug about OptiPort

An interview with Shaun Thomas, CCO of Westug

Shaun Thomas, COO of Westug, is an experienced maritime professional, with a background as a harbour master in Queensland and various nautical roles at the main towage companies and with AMSA in Australia. As COO of WESTUG, Shaun is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of the Operations in Port Hedland. To effectively and efficiently plan the available tug fleet, WESTUG deploys a team of schedulers, who are actively using OptiPort on a daily basis. Since Shaun has been working in various operational management roles, he was the designated person to review the performance and usability of the OptiPort application.

What are your experiences with other planning tools for towage operations, and what are the differences with OptiPort?ST: I have worked in Vessel Traffic Services before, these applications did optimize the way traffic interacts; however, these are static systems that only manage data. The difference with OptiPort is the Artificial Intelligence component; because of that, OptiPort can very well support and contributes to the human thinking aspect, which makes all the difference. Working in towage in very complex and demanding environments requires fast decision making, choosing the best option out of all the alternatives available. Artificial intelligence perfectly supports this. So far, in my career, I have not come across any system that is capable of what OptiPort does.

Can you tell us more about what the Artificial Intelligence aspect means for your operations?
ST: Our biggest challenge when it comes to planning is to take all regulations and local circumstances into account, for instance, working hours of the crew, optimal mobilization speed of the tugs, the best routing of the tugs, fatigue management policies, etc. OptiPort has programmed all these regulations and local business rules, which is very helpful and adds to the well-being of the crews, it eliminates fatigue due to too long working hours, and it determines the most optimal resting periods of the crews, also taking STCW rules into account. There are just so many of these rules to take into account, which makes it hard for the dispatchers to choose the best options and make the best decisions. Artificial Intelligence, therefore very much supports our dispatchers. It also helped us to bring the team in a very short time frame up to speed in the complex environment of Port Hedland.

Was it difficult to implement the tool and for the schedulers to get used to it?
ST: The implementation went very smoothly; the constant feedback with the developers allowed for a quite quick learning curve; the responsiveness of the developers was definitely one of the keys to success. Of course, there were some bugs and issues, but these where fixed in no time. It took us approximately one month of dummy planning before we took off. Because we implemented the OptiPort system into our existing operational system (HELM connect), the dispatchers did not have to spend a lot of time on learning the new application.

How did the planners experience the training?
ST: They experienced the tool as very user-friendly and easy to understand. Also, because everything you need to know is integrated in the tool. This means that we can train our people in a much shorter period, which saves us time and money.

What is the feedback of your schedulers after a couple of months of working with OptiPort?
ST: After three months, we conducted a thorough evaluation and unanimously, the results are very positive. Everyone is really excited about the product. Of course, there are also a few minor issues, and there are still things we wish for, but we trust these will come up in the future since there are many possibilities to move further, and also possibilities in the system we have not explored yet. To get support directly with the developers is quite fast and, in my experience, also unique when compared to other established software system providers.

What do you consider the most important advantage of Optiport?

We have decided to set up the operation as lean as possible, which means using our resources most efficiently. On the office side, Optiport very much supports us in this approach. When looking at the operation and the deployment of the tugs, OptiPort also ensures that we are using the available assets in the most optimum way possible, also taking into account the fuel consumption and tug availability. With Optiport we are confident that schedule changes or other operational variances are always received and implemented on the spot in the schedules. This feature is impossible to get when planning the scheduling manually in such a demanding port like Port Hedland. I can, therefore, state that Optiport is an important piece of the puzzle to deliver an excellent towage service in Port Hedland.

As we like to improve OptiPort looking forward, we would like to understand what you would be looking for in terms of added functionality in the coming releases of OptiPort?
We would like to see an option to multi-select jobs to fix/unfix allocations. Currently this is done manually, one by one, and it would be great if we can select multiple jobs for this. Besides this, there is actually not much we wish for.

Forecasting the Required Number of Tugs

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OptiPort Features # 1

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OptiPort, the first dispatch tool for nautical service providers, using Artificial Intelligence, is fully data driven. Its data and the artificial intelligence models are applied to calculate fact based tug requirements for a specific voyage.

Not all ports have the same clear instructions on tug types, bollard pull and numbers for specific voyages. Most ports still leave that decision to the responsible pilot, whereby differences in requirements between pilots, berths and vessels are more a rule than an exception.

As OptiPort is fully data driven, OptiPort is able to accurately forecast the number and type of tugs, required for s specific job. To be able to create a proper forecast, OptiPort observes a large variety of data points like, weather, berth location, vessel orientation, vessel size, type and cargo and it could even include the name of the pilot if it would be allowed. The result is an accurate forecast, which is correct in > 98% of the cases.

OptiPort automatically schedules the calculated number and type of tugs so the planner can already anticipate on the workload ahead. Once the pilot confirms the number/type of tugs, OptiPort will fix these requirements in the schedule and will change the forecasted number into a confirmed number of tugs. This results in less “workload-surprises” and allows your planners to use the available fleet to its full extent.

Follow us to learn about the other features, or mail us for an explanation of all features at once or for an online demonstration, or in case you are already convinced, subscribe to our software!

OptiPort, Dispatching made Easy!



OptiPort, the first dispatch tool for nautical service providers, using Artificial Intelligence, is fully data driven. Its data and the artificial intelligence models are applied to calculate fact based tug requirements for a specific voyage.

Not all ports have the same clear instructions on tug types, bollard pull and numbers for specific voyages. Most ports still leave that decision to the responsible pilot, whereby differences in requirements between pilots, berths and vessels are more a rule than an exception.

As OptiPort is fully data driven, OptiPort is able to accurately forecast the number and type of tugs, required for s specific job. To be able to create a proper forecast, OptiPort observes a large variety of data points like, weather, berth location, vessel orientation, vessel size, type and cargo and it could even include the name of the pilot if it would be allowed. The result is an accurate forecast, which is correct in > 98% of the cases.

OptiPort automatically schedules the calculated number and type of tugs so the planner can already anticipate on the workload ahead. Once the pilot confirms the number/type of tugs, OptiPort will fix these requirements in the schedule and will change the forecasted number into a confirmed number of tugs. This results in less “workload-surprises” and allows your planners to use the available fleet to its full extent.

Mail us for an explanation of all features at once or for an online demonstration, or in case you are already convinced, subscribe to our software!

KOTUG provides salvage assistance to MV EM-OINOUSSES

On the night of January 20, two Rotortugs® of KOTUG International picked up the Mayday signal of the container vessel EM-OINOUSSES, sailing from Maputo to Mombasa, having a devastating fire in the engine room. Although the vessel’s crew adequately extinguished the fire, at approximately 50 miles off the coast of Nacala, Mozambique, the ship appeared to be uncontrollable

In high swells, the salvage was carried out by KOTUG’S powerful Rotortugs RT Spirit and RT Magic. Both Rotortugs® made quick connections to the vessel, and our dedicated crew gave top priority to the safety of the 25 crew-members, who all arrived safely and without injuries at the Port of Nacala.

“We are glad that we were able to bring the MV EM-OINOUSSES and its crew to a safe haven and prevented a possible disaster for the vessel, its crews, and the environment. I am proud of our well-trained crew who adequately responded to the Mayday signal,” says Ard-Jan Kooren, CEO of KOTUG International.

KOTUG keynote at Smartvision Experience

As an innovative player, KOTUG International is one of the partners of SmartVision Experience, the innovation conference of STC Group that offers the stage to tech developers and port-related companies to show applications in the use of digital reality.

Augmented and virtual reality applications in ports are no longer future products but in full use already in various applications in ports worldwide. Kotug leads the way when it comes to remote sailing. Koos Smoor, our Innovation Manager, will give a live demonstration on how Kotug uses smart glasses for remote operations. See how it works in a live streaming demo on February 13, at the STC Group in Rotterdam. In case you are interested in a free entrance tickets (worth € 150,-) please send us a message, we have some free tickets available.

Visit Smartvision Experience 2020 and keep your knowledge up to date. You can expect interesting keynotes, expert sessions, live demonstrations, workshops and pitches of young talent from the world of digital reality applied to the maritime business, hosted by Jort Kelder. Click here to see the full program. Welcome to the future!

KOTUG and Horizon Maritime start KOTUG Canada

KOTUG International B.V. (KOTUG) and Horizon Maritime Services Ltd (Horizon Maritime) are pleased to announce that they have formed ‘KOTUG Canada’, a joint venture company which will offer terminal and harbour towage services across Canada.

The joint venture looks forward to developing a strong presence within the Canadian terminal and harbour towing market. The strategic partnership brings complimentary skills from each partner and the sharing of joint experience, expertise, and best practices will generate outstanding value for customers.

“We are very pleased to partner with the world leaders in sustainable marine towing operations, combining our local experience and expertise to offer Canadian customers a top-notch level of towage services,” comments Steve Widmeyer, Chief Operating Officer, Horizon Maritime.

Osman Munir, Chief Commercial Officer, KOTUG adds, “KOTUG continues to expand internationally and looks forward to providing sustainable industry-leading equipment and services to our Canadian customers. We have selected Horizon Maritime as our partner based on our relationship with its leadership team and on its focus on people and safety. We look forward to working together and delivering on our promise to exceed our customers’ expectations.”

KOTUG has built a strong reputation as an innovator in the maritime industry thanks to years of experience and

knowledge in the towage field. KOTUG is renowned for establishing solid, long-term business relationships with leading clients in industries such as Oil & Gas, Mining, Renewables, Offshore, and Port Authorities for high demand operations. It continues to invest strongly in sustainable innovations to improve its services for the benefit of the entire maritime industry. Examples are the invention and deployment of the highly manoeuvrable RotorTug®, hybrid tugs, Infield Support Vessel, a dispatch tug planning solution, and various other maritime solutions to contribute to a green maritime environment.

Westug goes live with AI-assisted Dispatch in Port Hedland

Leading Australian towage operator implements AI-assisted vessel dispatching tool OptiPort to optimize and improve safety and sustainability of operations in the world’s largest dry bulk export port

Perth-based Harbour towage operator, Westug Pty Ltd (Westug) today announced their successful start with the Optiport AI-assisted Dispatch system in its new Port Hedland operation to ensure long-term, efficient and sustainable towage services in the port on behalf of KOTUG for Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue). The announcement was made alongside the official start of Westug’s towage operations in the world’s leading and largest dry bulk export port with an annual export volume of over 500 million tons of iron ore, 35% of which is supplied by Fortescue and is now the fourth port globally to use AI-assisted dispatch in its operations.

The OptiPort solution chosen by Westug uses Helm CONNECT Jobs, the world’s leading platform for harbour towage dispatch and operational management, fully integrated with PortX’s Optiport AI-assisted Dispatch system.  “OptiPort is a revolutionary way of vessel dispatching that combines large amounts of AIS data with all relevant port system information systems resulting in the most optimal vessel dispatching that responds real time to the slightest changes in all available data. It allows us to quickly and easily plan the dispatch schedule for our vessels, and also automatically optimizes our planning, suggesting which tugs to use for which job and the speeds they should travel to ensure we’re not wasting fuel or increasing emissions.” Says Shaun Thomas, Chief Operating Officer at Westug, who was part of the team responsible for implementing the dispatch solution. “It’s an approach that will allow us to greatly reduce wasted fuel and improve efficiency for our client Fortescue, while maintaining the highest level of safety and operational excellence.”

In Port Hedland, Westug uses a two-stage planning solution, creating the initial plan to ensure sufficient capacity and fleet availability in Helm CONNECT. In the second stage, OptiPort analyses the expected vessel line-up, actual ETA/ETD’s, crew resting hours and other factors and assists dispatchers in assigning the most optimal tugs to each vessel, ensuring the most optimal and efficient schedule is maintained throughout the course of the operations.

“By taking advantage of new technology, Westug has moved to the forefront of the industry,” says Ron deBruyne, CEO of Helm Operations, the makers of Helm CONNECT. “Today, Westug is driving the pace of innovation in the industry, and showing how great towage operators can use technology to improve safety and provide even greater value to their charterers and other stakeholders.”

Start of operations for Fortescue in Port Hedland

With the successful start an important milestone has been reached in the execution of the contract to operate the tugboat fleet for Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) in Port Hedland, the world’s largest bulk export port on Australia´s west coast. The fleet consists of eight new ART 85-32W and one RT80-32 Rotortugs®. Six of them are Fortescue owned, three are owned by KOTUG, which are chartered directly to Fortescue. KOTUG manages the entire contract.


Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, is the site of the highest tonnage port in Australia. Assisting world’s largest, heavy loaded vessels through small channels with difficult bends requires well trained crews and the right method of towing tool. By using the patented high-end Rotortug® technique KOTUG maximizes the tugboat efficiency while safeguarding the safety for the operator. The Rotortug® propulsion configuration makes the Rotortug® the safest tugboat available because the third thruster always provides a way out in challenging situations while it also guarantees maximum maneuverability . The local team members are trained according to the highest standards by the leading company in tug training Tug Training & Consultancy (TTC), providing professional tug training and world-leading towage expertise. KOTUG contracted Westug for managing the day-to-day operations.

“KOTUG is renowned for establishing solid, long-term business relationships with clients in industries such as Oil & Gas, Mining and Renewables” says Ard-Jan Kooren, CEO of KOTUG International. “We commit to continuously improvement and I am proud to say that together with Westug we have an amazing team that can make this happen. We thank Fortescue for their trust in KOTUG and value their business, it fits our strategy to expand our activities in the Australian market from our local offices in Perth and Port Hedland.”

KOTUG and Boskalis sell Kotug Smit Towage shares to Boluda Group (Boluda)

KOTUG International BV and Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. have successfully concluded the sale of Kotug Smit Towage to Boluda Group (Boluda), in line with the initial announcement of 4 March 2019.

By partnering with Boskalis’ subsidiary SMIT in 2016, KOTUG strengthened its presence in 11 ports in 4 European countries. The integration of businesses led to further growth, synergy and smarter towage operations. In order to ensure the continuity of the business – given the consolidation of the shipping lines – KOTUG feels that the family-owned company Boluda is best positioned to add value to their existing European towage business.

KOTUG’s CEO Ard-Jan Kooren: “We thank all staff and crew for the professional and pleasant cooperation in the past years. I am confident that with the takeover of Kotug Smit Towage Boluda will adequately respond to the further consolidation of shipping businesses in the European harbour towage industry”.

KOTUG International will continue to focus on international operations and investing in future innovations. Headquartered in Rotterdam, they have a strong presence in Europe, Russia, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Caribbean, demonstrating ambitious aspirations to continue expanding its activities worldwide, offering innovation and operational excellence to their customers.

Supporting Shell at Prelude

This is a short film about Prelude, the largest floating facility ever built. With this movie Shell expresses its gratitude towards their partners for their support. We are extremely proud to contribute with our unique Infield Support Vessels the Prelude FLNG facility’s marine services requirements which include tanker berthing and offshore operations support. Our sustainable towage solutions support Shell global portfolio in meeting the growing demand for more and cleaner energy for their customers around the world. More to come! Follow us to stay updated.
